OUR SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE FOR JAN 19, 2025 WILL BEGIN AT 10:30AM. Pastor Vic will be preaching a sermon titled “The Prayer Series – Part 2 – Prayer is Releasing.” It will focus upon the importance of following the Lord’s guidelines for an effective prayer life.
Our children (4-12 yrs) will be dismissed for their class after the worship. Our youth (13+) will remain in the service this week.
This is also The BIG GIVE time after the service. We have hundreds of new items to give away. These are not to be resold and we ask that you consider others that are coming in the line behind you so they also may find a use for the items that are duplicates.
The theme for 2025 is “THE YEAR OF THE HARVEST.” We will be focusing upon what the Bible teaches about salvation and how to live a life that is prepared for our Lord’s return for His Church.
We Live Stream the service on Facebook. Simply search for “Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall.”
An open nursery for (0-3 yrs) will be available for the entire service with a live video feed.
There are plenty of paved parking spaces and we have a ramp and a washroom especially designed for wheelchair accessibility.
We are located at 949 Mohawk Drive, Cornwall, ON, K6H 5R6.
Give us a call at (613) 932-0685 if you have any question11